Succession Planning and Top Talent Development
For a major financial services firm, working with the CEO and Board to orchestrate a CEO succession process that culminated in the selection of a new CEO and resulting transition plan.
For a fast-growing national retailer, design and introduction of the company's first organization-wide succession planning and talent review process.
For a leading insurance company, conduct of in-depth assessments for a number of senior executives. The assessments culminated in personal feedback and the creation of a highly-customized development plan for each executive.
For a major financial services firm, assistance in the re-design of the company's longstanding succession planning and talent development process including involvement of the senior executive team in the identification and development of future senior leaders.
For a major telecommunications company, design and introduction of objective tools to assess the career potential of future leaders.
For the Conference Board, design and leadership of the nationally-based succession planning and top talent development seminar series.
Co-authorship of Developing Business Leaders for 2010, a major study of trends and best practices in succession planning and leadership development.