Project Snapshot:
Building Internal Organizational Design Capabilities
Members of the HR organization for a well-regarded Fortune 10 company were being asked to support organization design efforts (re-structuring, acquisition integration, growth planning) on an on-going basis. A needs analysis indicated a major gap in staff skills in organization design as well as a lack of a consistent organization design tool kit, i.e., organizational design models, concepts, and tools.
Beeson Consulting created a customized corporate organization design "tool kit" aligned with corporate terminology, tools and priorities. This toolkit was made available to staff across the company via the corporate intranet. We created and conducted a series of 2 _ day training programs across the globe to introduce the new "tool kit" with a total of more than 500 HR professional participating.
HR professionals who have completed the training now lead organization design initiatives across the corporation and act as an internal support network to their colleagues in providing this service. In addition Beeson Consulting continues to respond to periodic requests to support major re-design efforts in all parts of the organization worldwide.